About The Product
The Move is able to provide a level of depth to serious gamer games, that Kinect is unable to do with it’s controller-less setup. There’s still a lot of buttons to contend with if you are looking for a simple “anyone can play” family toy, but the games available range from child friendly, to epically mature. Many games are already taking advantage of the hardware and more titles have being announced for coming year.
With games like Sports Champions, The Fight: Lights Out, EyePet, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition and The Sly Cooper collection, everyone in the family will find something they like to play.
What Makes It A Great Gift?
The Blu-ray player included has exposed millions of consumers to the Playstation 3. Many of them may not ever use their PS3 for anything but movies. The Move gives casual consumers the chance to experience the most powerful gaming console on the market in a whole new way. There is also a PS3 Move bundle available for $399. That may not technically be a deal, but for gamers that do not have a PS3, it would be the easiest way to jump in immediately.
With all three motion technologies on the market, it may be hard to decide which horse you want to choose. The Move is a great choice for someone serious about gaming and the practical applications of motion controls in games. Sure you have to sacrifice a little usability in the slightly more complex controls, but anyone that wants a precise motion experience can count on the Move being the absolute best way to go.